Six Fan Arts Challenge Round Two

After enjoying the first round of the SixFanArts challenge so much I decided to put it to the HIWEZ Squadron to choose another six for me. This was the result!
Since the Squadron chose the characters I have decided to add them to the free wallpaper downloads that are available on a monthly basis for Squadron members only.

It would be hard to choose a favourite one from my perspective as I enjoyed illustrating each one, with the added value that they were selected by my patrons making them more challenging since I had no idea what was going to come out of the hat for selection.

With that said, Venom was probably the most entertaining to sketch up, since Spiderman was in the last six it felt like there was some kind of arc going on. And his body type and gross tongue left a lot of room to illustrate abstractly which is always fun.

All six of these artistic homages are available to download for free from today on the Squadron Private Store for personal use, with mobile phone wallpapers being the focus of the composition. Hit the image below to head over to the Squadron website and find out how to enlist!

Stay safe, stay awesome.
Hiwez out!